iCMS 2019 | 欧阳证教授畅谈质谱脂质分析及其生物医学应用
12月5日下午,清华大学精密仪器系欧阳证教授在“第十届质谱网络会议”(iConference on Mass Spectrometry, iCMS 2019)上分享了题为《脂质分析及其生物医学应用》的报告,引发行业关注。


在生物标志物的寻找、确认方面,欧阳证教授介绍了清华大学瑕瑜教授所作的Paternò-Büchi反应耦合LC-MS进行脂质C=C位置异构体结构鉴定与定量工作。脂类双键位置异构体的比例在正常组织和癌变组织中有着显著区别,而在不饱和脂质中对C=C双键进行定位和对C=C位置异构体进行定量是一个难题。瑕瑜教授利用Paternò-Büchi反应,将脂质分子中的C=C键选择性衍生化,衍生化产物在碰撞诱导解离(CID)条件下生成与双键位置相关的碎片离子,从而实现了脂质C=C异构体分析与定量。利用该技术可进行乳腺癌、Ⅱ型糖尿病生物标志物的确认研究。LC-PB-MS相关研究已发表在Nature Communications、PNAS、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Analytical Chemistry等杂志上[1-10]。
在临床、术中分析方法的开发方面,欧阳证教授对比分析了几项术中检测的最新质谱技术:Polymer Coating Transfer Enrichment (PCTE)技术、基于PDA-AR Surface的LDI-MS分析技术、基于Evaporative Ionization MS的iKnife技术、无损取样的MasSpec Pen技术。在此基础上,欧阳证教授指出,小型质谱分析技术在术中检测和脂类生物标志物筛查中也有良好的应用前景。清华大学、普渡大学和复旦大学附属华山医院就曾在Analytical Chemistry杂志上发表了文章“Point-of-Care Tissue Analysis Using Miniature Mass Spectrometer”,首次将大气压原位电离及小型质谱仪用于人体组织的临床检测(POCT)应用开发,充分展示小型质谱系统未来应用于医疗检测领域的巨大潜力[11]。 日前,欧阳证教授的产业化团队清谱科技已将上述技术产业化为脂类反应器Ω Analyzer及相应的数据分析软件Lipid Omega Analyzer(LOA),以及Mini β小型质谱仪,为该领域科研人员提供了有力的研究工具。Nature Methods杂志曾撰文Chemical biology: fats as research subjects,报道瑕瑜教授和欧阳证教授在脂质解构解析和小型质谱快速筛查检测方面的工作[12]。
参考文献[1] Ma X, Xia Y. Pinpointing double bonds in lipids by Paternò-Büchi reactions and mass spectrometry [J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(10)[2] Ma X, Chong L, Tian R, et al. Identification and quantitation of lipid C=C location isomers: A shotgun lipidomics approach enabled by photochemical reaction [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016,113(10):2573-2578.[3] Ma X, Zhao X, Li J, et al. Photochemical tagging for quantitation of unsaturated fatty acids by mass spectrometry [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2016,88(18): 8931-8935.[4] Zhao Y, Zhao H, Zhao X, et al. Identification and Quantitation of C=C Location Isomers of Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Epoxidation Reaction and Tandem Mass Spectrometry [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(19): 10270-10278.[5] Cao W, Ma X, Li Z, et. al. Locating carbon-carbon double bonds in unsaturated phospholipids by epoxidation reaction and tandem mass spectrometry [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(17): 10286-10292.[6] Zhao X, Zhang W, Zhang D, et al. A lipidomic workflow capable of resolving sn-and C [double bond, length as m-dash] C location isomers of phosphatidylcholines [J]. Chemical Science, 2019.[7] Zhang W, Zhang D, Chen Q, et al. Online photochemical derivatization enables comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis of unsaturated phospholipid isomers [J]. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 79.[8] Zhao X, Chen J, Zhang W, et al. Lipid Alterations during Zebrafish Embryogenesis Revealed Dynamic Mass Spectrometry Profiling with C=C Specificity [J]. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2019: 1-9.[9] Su Y, Ma X, Page J, et al. Mapping lipid C=C location isomers in organ tissues by coupling photochemical derivatization and rapid extractive mass spectrometry [J]. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 445: 116206.[10] Chong L, Tian R, Shi R, et al. Coupling the Paternò-Büchi (PB) Reaction with Mass Spectrometry to Study Unsaturated Fatty Acids in mouse model of multiple sclerosis [J]. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, 7: 807.[11] Zou R, Cao W, Chong L, et al. Point-of-Care Tissue Analysis Using Miniature Mass Spectrometer [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(1): 1157-1163.[12] Marx Vivien. Chemical biology: fats as research subjects[J]. Nature Methods, 2018, 15(1):35-38.
Nature Communications发表不饱和脂质异构体分析方法,为生物标志物发现提供新的高通量分析平台
清华大学、普渡大学及华山医院合作发表小型质谱POCT应用文章, 首次将小型质谱应用于肿瘤和癌症诊断