Ω Analyzer脂质分析系统

脂质组学已成为科学研究的热点,采用质谱技术进行脂质组学研究,已能解决诸如脂质的种类鉴别及脂肪酸链组成等问题。但是,脂质精细结构,如C=C及sn-位置等,对大规模组学来说仍是一个难点。近年来,区别与定量脂质C=C位置异构体已被证明对于生理过程研究、疾病标志物筛查及新药研发有着重要意义。PURSPEC Ω Analyzer脂质分析系统旨在为科学家提供一种全新脂质组学新工具,加速脂质标志物的探索发现与应用,前期技术研究成果已被国际知名期刊收录。

[1] Wenpeng Zhang, Donghui Zhang, Qinhua Chen, Junhan Wu, Zheng Ouyang and Yu Xia. “Online photochemical derivatization enables comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis of unsaturated phospholipid isomers”, Nature Communications, 2019,Online.
[2]Wenpeng Zhang , Spencer Chiang, Zishuai Li, Qinhua Chen, Yu Xia, Zheng Ouyang. “Polymer Coating Transfer Enrichment for Direct Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Lipids in Biofluid Samples”, 2019, Online.
[3] Dr. Tiffany Porta Siegel, Dr. Kim Ekroos, Dr. Shane R. Ellis. “Reshaping Lipid Biochemistry by Pushing Barriers in Structural Lipidomics”, Angewandte Chem, 2019,doi:10.1002/anie.201812698.
[4] Xiaoxiao Ma, Leelyn Chong, Ran Ti an, Riyi Shi, Tony Y. Hu, Zheng Ouyang, and Yu Xia. “Identification and quantitation of lipid C=C location isomers: a shotgun lipidomics approach enabled by photochemical reaction “, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016,113(10):2573.